Having a bit of a love affair with pintrest (www.pintrest.com). Any time I need some visual stimulation, I go there for a browse of lovely. My boards are building up nicely, but what I have noticed is while my ideas are growing, output has stalled - if not stopped completely.
I decided yesterday that I needed to make - turn ideas into actions.
Via babycino I found these lovely envelopes.

I love a little purse - and they have such a lovely french name "un fourre tout" apparently translating to a stuff everything. My kinda purse! They are in France and I am not sure they post to Australia so I thought I would make my own.
In my images I had some great old airmail envelopes - of course I cannot find where I downloaded these from but I got the address line from the Graphics Fairy.
Here is my very rudamentary process.
I used powerpoint to manipulate the image. I flipped the back of the envelope so the finished image could simply be folded. I added the address line on after and blended as best I could in five minutes. It kinda looks like this but not so stretched. (I need to speak to my IT dept - Jo!! to find out a better way!!) But you get the idea.

The I simply printed the image onto canvas paper - I got this at Aldi of course, but Offiiceworks etc has it. It goest through the printer just like paper.
I took this printout to knitting last night and sat and handsewed it into my own little stuff everything with a zip along the top. While this lacks any purpose at the moment at least I have finished something!

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