This was one of those things that seemed like a good idea at the time. I was the kinder president and we had a staff member leaving after 16 years. She had also been the only assistant that had taught any of my boys, working in both the 3 & 4s for all three boys. I wanted to get her something special to mark her resignation but also something special to her. My suggestion was a quilt - like I had seen
Naomi do. With this in mind the wheels were set in motion and it was all a surprise. The children all did a drawing with fabric markers on white homespun. I picked the fabrics and we were away.

The design was set by the number of drawings and a simple alternate pattern was borne. The squares were finished 6 inches and I learnt the power of being exact - with my cutting and using the 1/4 inch foot. All new concepts to a rather impatient sewer who bends the rules.

No bending here - the top went together quite quickly and then I had to decide on a backing fabric. I was originally thinking about a blender but then I found this floral and it had to be.

Up to this point, I didn't understand the difficulty of quilting. Realistically it was a big basic pattern, but it all went together like a jigsaw. That is until you actually quilt! Even just getting it all together with the wool wadding is an issue. Geez - now I get it. I quilted in the ditch and then a cross pattern through the florals. This gave it enough stability and it felt quilted.

The final touch was on the front.
Best bit - she loved it - no really L O V E D it. That makes it all worthwhile. You know how you get when you are in the depths of a project and you start to question yourself. I didn't think it was good enough etc etc but the look on her face - the way she cried and the way she hugged that quilt - I knew it was the right gift.
Has it made a quilter of me - well not yet. I do have some fabric for a quilt for my bed. Another set of squares - thinking 2 inch with white - but that can go out to the professionals for quilting!
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