Monday, March 26

Sydney - Day 2

The big day today for me, Alexander and the yo-yo- off to the exhibition at the Powerhouse Museum. After a little misdirection we made it there and it really was worth all the effort. Alexander and I have read the first four HP books together and after finishing each of them have watched the movies together which it was why this was so special to us - together.First we were ushered into a room where we were treated like first years at hogwarts and there was a little show where children could be sorted via a sorting hat. Loads of fun and set the tone.
We were then ushered to the next room which we were circled with screens showing footage from the movies when all of a sudden a wall lifted to reveal smoke and a light and the engine of the Hogwarts train.

The exhibition expanded to have costumes and props from the movie - such as Harry's casual clothes, Hogwart robes and his bed. There was Hagrids Hut, Quiddich costumes and balls, potions, Gilderoy Lochardt's costume and of course his books and pictures. There were moving paintings, sweets, everybody's wands, death eaters, newspapers. It really was a great exhibition. There wasn't anything that we were missing. Another little blip over not buying anything from the giftshop, but he eventually got over that! We left feeling satisfied and with a lovely day greeting us, we set off to explore the city.

A lot of walking, but we did the monorail

Martin Place
Harbour Bridge
Lunched on the steps of the opera house
Walked in the rocks - this time in reference to his studies of the First Fleet at School
And on to the train and back to the airport went two weary travellers who had a really great time together.

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