Coming home to a clean and tidy house has inspired me to try to keep it that way. I know that if I have more order and less clutter in our lives, we will all be more ordered, and calmer. It was great being away because we didn't have much stuff. We had what we needed and that was it. I had only packed the minimum - we travelled with only one suitcase which was only problematic trying to get my heavy Valentino book home in it. While the cupboard looked bare, it was really easy to get up and get dressed when everything matched, I could see everything I had and had a really limited choice.
To help me, I just received this book which I ordered on Book Depository. Absolutely Organize Your Family - Simple Solutions to Control Clutter, Schedules and Spaces. While I fear it may be like my attempt at the first Covey book of 7 habits, in which I didn't manage the first habit so the book when into the abyss. The book tells me that I can't actually organise my family without being organised myself. Whoops. There was a survey to see if I was organised - Nope. So I have read the first chapter and started a mini freak out. Sometimes I wish you could buy the book and a little fairy came out and solved the problems for you. Until that can happen I am going to have to do a little CPR - Categorize, Purge and Rearrange.
Maybe this would help?
Hope you had a fantastic trip, looking forward to catching up.
Robyn :-)