After almost 7 years, we are no longer attend play group. This group of local girls lumped together by council, their only commonality recently having their first baby.I remember being worried about starting this group when Xander was only 2 weeks old. What if I didn't like them, did I have to go...I probably wont like it. Now 7 years on, meeting almost every week for all of that time, I am sorry to see it ending. We have become firm friends, and now have a lot more in common than just our children. Firstly there are more, in fact many more children. Thinking of the core group of 6 mums with 6 little babies - 5 boys and one girl. We have morphed into a family, with 16 kids including 6 girls. With three sets of twins still attending, we regularly meet with 4 mums and 9 kids.

While I wont miss the noise, chaos or sweeping up of the sand(!), I will miss the coffees, chats and camaraderie of the group. In the early years it was a highlight of the week - an outing to look forward to. Then as the twins came along it became a bit of respite. Throughout the years it has been a wonderful opportunity to talk and learn. Our exclusive little group plans to morph from a playgroup to a mothers group and I am sure we will all enjoy the change.

Speaking of change we had our last day at kinder today. The boys participated and it was lovely organised chaos.(funny how my expectations have changed. Alexander was Joseph in the nativy, but I was thrilled for Benji and Spencer to be anything at all and get out the front!) Food is always a calming force and we said our good byes and gave our pressies which were well received.

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