Monday, April 6

Mock Easter Eggs

This was one of Fast Eddy from Better Homes and Gardens ideas last year and I just filed it away til this easter. We know quite a few kids with alergies either to egg and or dairy and a few that, dare I say it, don't like chocolate!!! These are the perfect solution- chocolate crackle eggs.
They are the recipie for cholocate crackles (rice bubbles, icing sugar, coconut, cocoa and copha) from the packet of either rice bubbles or copha (I don't know anything else it is used for!) and set inside an egg mould. Last year when I was looking for a mould I could only find really big ones, which is just too much. I got these ones which fit nicely in the palm of my hand and they actually come out really easily too- no need to grease them.
The original concept was to make two halves and stick it together with icing sugar etc but for smaller kids half is more than enough. I had them all ready and sitting and suddenly they looked like rabbits - so with some cut up marshmellows (which surprisingly do not contain any egg or dairy!) and a bit of icing they became easter bunnies.

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