I am sure you know the feeling, and I am sure it is about insecurity - but I am feeling like I don't fit in, you know just a little bit different and on the outer edge of things. Being "in" is not actually anything I have aspired to and I can deal with being "different" but I almost think I am either not quite different enough, just not quite right (for want of a better word). I don't think I could actually deal with someone like me - which is probably why none of my friends are like me. Maybe I do it on purpose?
This isn't a 'poor me' and I feel OK, I just don't really know what I want to do or if I do, how to get there. I see other people living my dream, or at least having a go and I wonder why I just can't or maybe wont. I know that I sabotage myself - over-think and over-plan and under-action things. I am terrible at contacting people, not ringing, texting back and often forgetting to check my messages. I do appreciate the contact and always mean to get back to people. I have a list (I love lists) of people to get back to, but sadly they often get back to me first.
There are a few things that have contributed to this feeling but the biggest influence is probably a movie. On a recommendation (thanks Robyn) I watched Coco avant Chanel. I just had to look up the title - but now the movie makes sense because it was all about her life before she got into designing clothes - that was just a mini montage at the very end (disappointing). However it was about her life and how she approached it. Coco (in this movie) had such an attitude, such a disdain for pretence and a belief in herself that it didn't matter that she was different. In those days it was all about class and breeding which she didn't have, but she was against pretending. She was commonsensical and when she went against the system there was reason, rather than for the systems sake.
Coco was different and she didn't care. She just went on and did what she wanted to do how she wanted to do it. The big question is why can't I?
oh nic, i have tears in my eyes readng this, i dont believe you are different you are you, a truly specail gifted person that is very special. i aspire to be more like you. you manange to be friends with so many different people, you dont care (outwardly) what people think, you have so much to offer to everyone, you give to all and care about all. recently i have spoken alot about you in all the shit that has been going on with me and "new" friends i continually refer to you as someone that gets it that is a true friend a specail friend that is life long. you are so talented in all you do, you are the most amazing mum and wife and i think you fit in perfectly to all that you do.....
ReplyDeleteNic you are a virgo... enough said!
ReplyDeleteI do agree with Nay, you are you, and I know from what others say that you are a wonderful friend, please don't beat yourself up.
Ah, Nic. Us crafty Virgo types are like that. Too much going around our head. I think Coco must have been a Virgo too.
ReplyDeleteGill (Rob's mum)
And you've all made me cry.......
ReplyDeleteTo my bestest friend in the whole wide world - I love you with all my heart and you will always be so very special for all the love, support and friendship you have so generously given.
My friend always, I am here for you as you have been for me, only a text, phone call or email away :-)
All my love
Big Hug
Robyn xoxo
I am still technologically challenged and unable to reply to emails - but thank you for your kind comments- they mean so much Nic