I am constantly amazed how quickly kids learn. I think because Alexander is at school now and I don't actually 'see' him learning, means the results of his growth are that little bit more startling. Like when you haven't seen a child for a while and you can literally see how much they have grown. This work was done at home, again for the corinella. He is happy to sit for a good while, write and draw and even research in books.
Sunday, March 29
Saturday, March 28
More sewing
Friday, March 27
Out to the shed to examine the stash and see what I could do. I do buy things that are a bargain just in case and this was how I aquired an end of roll of yellow track and field (as you do) and with a bit of fur and some pillow stuffing he will be a lion - you will see on Sunday!
Tuesday, March 24
Premiers Challenge

So, once the twins woke up we set out on our walk. We left at 2 giving us an hour and a half to get there. There is a park on the way where we could kill some time - all going well. We live on main road, on quite a hill so the whole pram and bike thing is a major issue. Alexander can't ride his bike up the hill, and even coming down the hill is just too fast to manage. So the twins and I walked - no pram.
We managed to get there pretty quickly, and it was actually enjoyable. Benji and Spencer were well behaved and so they got to have a good play at the park. This is the point I think it all began to unravel......
We got to Xandy's classroom, and he needed to go to the toilet before walking home. This is where we lost him, called him over the loud speaker, him get brought to me-crying- by another teacher. He moped and grizzled all the way home, and the twins weren't much better. We managed to walk back to the park (probably 100 meters from school) where Benji refused to move, at all. So I had to carry him, all 16 kilos of him as a dead floppy weight, home. We arrived home just before 5 - three hours after we had left, very tired and bedraggled and not very keen to go for a walk again. Ride your bike day tomorrow is so out of the question!!!!!
Monday, March 23
Student of the week
Sunday, March 22
Photo Shoot

The weather was lovely, and only Spencer was sulky, so we had a good chance of getting some nice shots. All that I really wanted was one of all the kids looking the same way. We never managed that at christmas time, and if we got a good one of the family that would be a bonus. The photos below are the ones my sister-in-law took while the photographer was working. She was often on a different angle, different time, but the outcome is fantastic. I was so thrilled with how the day went, and even Spencer warmed up - however I doubt he is seeking a career as a model.
Saturday, March 21

Thursday, March 19
Toilet Training
I don't think I need an image for this post....I have seen enough images tonight. Our kinder held a seminar on Toilet training and I went along. The speaker was from Conquip and she was really good- I highly recommend her. Her thoughts and ideas were common sense and based in reality. She started her work working with special needs children and the market demand has seen her extend her work to toilet training - including day wetting, night training etc. We talked about constipation, saw videos of poo and all the different kinds of poo and even a model of the bowel. There was some really good information and tips. My motivation was how to toilet train twins, and I spose I was looking for an easy answer, or even someone to do it for me, but alas, I just have to get in there and do it and deal with the mess. She has a strong focus on the parent being ready, and calm, and able to stay home or close to a toilet during prime training time. Maybe school holidays!!!?>??>!!
Tuesday, March 17
Busy Days
We had our school fair on Sunday which was a lovely day, and they exceeded their financial targets, which is surprising in these financial times. We had a walk around and luckily the rain held out. We got home for a rest, but we didn't realise that Phartie wasn't feeling very flash, and he went off to hospital where he was eventually admitted. The big squirrel has been in and out making sure they are looking after his dad - who is only here for a short visit, and we all went in tonight. He seems to be doing well, and the kids all did very well in their travels.
When we got home Alexander did his school reader - entitled 'This is me!' with simple text and pictures of a clown. After reading it, he decided he wanted to make his own version, complete with photos. He quickly wrote the text and before we knew it he had his own book to take to school.
Sunday, March 15
When I was younger I looked forward to the Saturday paper for the Corinella. A page of the papre dedicated to kids, with a range of competitions such as wordplay, jokes and colouring. Alexander has never been too keen on colouring, but we want him to develop strength in his fingers and this is one good way to do it. He happily sat down and really dedicated himself to the project and was really happy wiht the result and we sent it off to them.
Saturday, March 14
Friday, March 13
A bit of stitching
I have finally made up the fabric I bought back in October . I had thought that I would give her the fabric for christmas for her to do as she wished, however I made a dress instead. Now its her birthday, and ta-da! A top.
It is shorter than my summer kaftans and I reckon it will look great with a white singlet and jeans. In the top corner you can see the beach bag that I picked up for her. She is off on holidays to Queensland so hopefully this makes it into her bag.
It is shorter than my summer kaftans and I reckon it will look great with a white singlet and jeans. In the top corner you can see the beach bag that I picked up for her. She is off on holidays to Queensland so hopefully this makes it into her bag.
Wednesday, March 11
School work
Alexander has been bringing home some great things from school - here are just a couple. The rocket at the top was made at a woodwork incursion and most of the task was actually cutting the wood. The other is some sort of racecar, however I cant seem to get the balloons up to make it go straight, but he has done a great job and is still really keen - both of which I am really pleased about.
Tuesday, March 10
Say cheese!
How did I do it? I drew it out, then traced it onto freezer paper (how good is this stuff???) and then simply cut out the shapes, ironed on the paper, and had a felt jigsaw camera. I stitched it onto some scrap fabric and oila! It even has a zipper at the top. I like it so much I don't want to give it away (the colours of course look better in real life)
Sunday, March 8
Grazing Dinosaurs
Saturday, March 7
Friday, March 6
Etsy find
I have been home a lot with the kids who have been exposed to hand foot and mouth disease. It has now been a week since their 'exposure' so really symptoms should have shown up by now - so maybe they just have ordinary colds - however everything about me seems to be tingly or itchy but I think that is psychosomatic. Anywho, when there is a bit of downtime I am drawn to the computer for inspiration (and procrastination of all those unfinished projects) but am SERIOUSLY in LOVE with this HAT.

Found on Etsy , it is a waterproof hat and can be worn five different ways. With the rain finally falling here again it would solve a lot of problems. (here come my justifications for possible purchase)
- It would stop the rain on my glasses which is most frustrating.
- It would mean my umbrella wouldn't turn inside out in the gale force winds (it happened for the first time yesterday with a golf umbrella)
- I could have both hands free for children, school bags and assorted paraphernalia
- I could save time by NOT having to do hair in morning (not that a lot of time is actually allocated to that)
- Could also be worn as a sunhat, promoting sunsmart to children
- Would look very groovy
I think I NEED this hat, dont you?
Thursday, March 5
Tuesday, March 3
Growing pains
Monday, March 2
I think it is because I spend every day with the kids that I don't see the changes. They grow and learn so quickly, that to me it looks so fluid. It is only when I have one of those moments when I step back to see how much they have changed and grown.
The boys no longer sit in their highchairs and happily stay at the table, even trying to ask to leave the table when they are finished. Their communication skills are rapidly improving and they even have some ability to reason (when they feel like it)
After school drop off I took them to Chadstone, without the pram. Both of them held a hand and trotted round the shops. The promise of a coffee (baby chino) didn't hurt and I couldn't really let go of a hand to look at anything, but this is a huge step forward for us. Most of all, it was actually enjoyable to walk around together.
Later this evening, I decided that we needed to do more things together, so after tea we set off for a walk around the streets. We all went and walked together and chatted. The twins kept up and enjoyed being included as 'big boys'. Hopefully this is the first of many of these nights
Sunday, March 1
Birthday Party
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