Thursday, July 14

Pizza for my Pity Party

So I have started this new regime around home - cleaning. Yes apparently it is something you need to do more than once! In retrospect school holidays was probably not THE best time to start, but it is no reason to stop either. I haven't fallen off the wagon, but it is hard to establish a new routine. I am still drinking the water and feel better for it, and now I am cleaning and cooking what feels like all day long.

Ok, reality is I probably have bitten off a bit too much and am running a mini crusade here where I am trying to save money, reduce wastage of everything, declutter, clean the house, create a routine, everyone drinking more water, eating healthy and put in another one - remove preservatives from our diet. I know it is probably a bit unrealistic, to expect to do all of these things but if you have a problem with it - let me know - otherwise get with the program.

The big squirrel seems to have a problem with this. He wont eat breakfast - buys crap for lunch and regularly brings in random foodstuffs and magazines to the house. He has remarked that the house looks good, but thats about it.

The other night, I was getting ready to go out for the evening, when he popped home to say he had to run a work errand and would be a little while. I begrudgingly agreed, and said I would feed the kids and keep his dinner warm. Two hours later, and when I should have been leaving, he saunters home with a PIZZA tucked under his arm.We had eaten and the kids were all ready for bed, and his dinner was on a plate in the oven! I am working hard at creating a balance and opportunities and it feels like - even subconsciously, he is sabotaging them. My incredibly mature response was to go out and spend money to spite him.

Obviously reigning Queen of the Perfect Club!

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