It was almost really a Maxwell Smart moment of "Missed it by
that much" for my Nana who is alive to celebrate her 96
th birthday today. She has been in a nursing home for around 10 years due to dementia, but is quite ill with a chest infection/
pneumonia. The antibiotics kicked in last night, and she is still alive - but not really with us. The person we knew and she knew is long gone now. She barely recognises any people in the room, let alone realising she had children and who they are. Mum visits, but even she suggests us staying away. So, for the woman I remember as Nana, the excentric and outgoing woman who was never without a beau, to that woman I wish a happy birthday and hope that she is still around somewhere....(This was Nan's dog. I remember it from her kitchen. I love its kitch-ness and it is a sentimental item that reminds me of her)
life is hard. must be hard for yur mum to watch. what a lovely post