And on it is - undies that is. Benji will NOT wear nappies now. Not a pull up, not a night nappie not at all. He will occasionally even put on undies and trousers! (He is proving to be a bit of a nudist!!) Anyway with the black rings around my eyes, I reluctantly took the boys to Forest Hill this morning as I needed a sheet for the new bed. We had a lovely tour of all of the different toilets there, and washed our hands in all of them!! He has actually been really good, and from memory, a lot more committed and in control than Alexander ever was. The nights have actually been fine - the only issue is getting up when HE wants to go to the toilet. Having said that the bed is yet to be wet (touch wood). Thankfully for the washing load, only he is training at the moment - as Spencer is not at all interested and I am not going to push.
I had to share my clever 'invention'. This mauve thing is an insert for the car seat that I made out of waterproof sheets. I bought one sheet at Aldi last time they were on sale and they hold 2 litres of liquid. I cut it into four and have made 4 of these seat protectors which fit into the car seat and do not comprimise the seat belts. What it does mean is I do not have to wash the whole seat cover if there is an accident and I also have one spare for each boy. Now - back to the washing............
You're so clever. I was thinking the same thing about car seats...how to protect them? You're such a go getter - a solution all sorted in your household in record time.