I have spoken before of the twins' obsession with fireman sam. It has actually been quite difficult to find any thing with his image on it, or toys or dress ups. Having said that spotlight had a dressup but at $40 and then times two, we figured for $80 we could do a pretty good job ourselves. So the challenge - to make two fireman sam costumes.
I made yellow tracksuit pants out of fabric I had in my stash. It is yellow track and field that I used for the lion costume. I picked up the end of the bolt for only $5 with no intention of using it - and now it had done three costumes!
Mum made the jackets, again from fabric she had. It is suiting that has been lying around for years. The buttons were some I got at another sale years ago, where I was charged by the bagfull, and were just perfect for this. Even better there are no button holes - just velro under the top flap.
how wonderful do they look. you are such a talented family. working together to give your children such wonderful happy memories