Tuesday, June 22

clear the air

I had a difficult conversation with an acquatance today. It had been brewing for a while and I had got to breaking point. Really. When an issue is affecting your sleep and your ability to work it just has to be resolved. I probably would have stewed on it a little longer but I had to resolve an issue for someone else.
I made some pre-emptive calls to others to assess the lay of the land, made a list and with sweat beading on my brow, dialled the number....
I am a very emotional person and tend to bottle things up for a long time, and then when I do release the cap, it spews out of me like pandoras box. This did happen, however in a very controlled manner- not because of me mind you!
If I had done this to someone like me, or had it done to me I would have been in tears at the first instance but not this person. Goes to show how different we are and how differently we communication - that is the basis of the problems. However they took everything on board and looked on it as constructive criticism. (!)
Anyway back to me - I have purged and regardless of whether it makes a difference to our dealings, I feel better. So. Much. Better! This huge weight has been lifted and I can also see (some) things in a different light. The person did ask that I say these things when they bother me, and while that is a valid point, I don't think it is in my nature to be regularly confrontational - what will I have to stew over?

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