Monday, June 28

Numero Uno

The twins had their first real party today. They get the concept now and were excited to go "without Alexander". Their friend was from Kinder so I was very pleased they were invited and on some level are making friends at kinder.

Their friend is really into his hands - wearing any kinds of gloves and making up stories about them- gardening gloves, skiing gloves and boxing gloves. How could we not give him our first puppet. - well actually our second as we have a prototype where we worked out the bugs!

He loved it.
We did give him two presents - as there were two kids attending the party. I know this is my issue, but I have to do it. It was a little wind up torch which my boys love. Not strickly a childs toy but without the need for batteries and full torch functionality it is great. This way both boys could walk into the party with a gift and they had a lovely time.

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