Firstly my diet. I am having a bit of a love hate relationship with that but sticking to it all the same. My hate is very clearly aimed at my scales which while they are going down, not really at the rate I would like - however I am loving my friend the tape measure! After 4 weeks I have only lost 3 kilos (the same three that came on with the new scales!) The diet promised 5 kilos in the first 11 days, but I know that is unrealistic. However the tape measure has been the real surprise. I am not as tempted to measure myself everyday as I am to weigh, but when I did measure I found I had lost over 4 cm on my waist, nearly 6 off my abdomen and 2cm of each thigh. Really I am happy that I don't walk around with one of those biggest loser tshirt announcing my weight but am happy that I actually measure thinner. That helps justify my loss of bread and overdosing on eggs and tuna! (but not together)
Aside from me there are two little boys who are also making progress. Benji and Spencer today showed how much they had grown. We had swimming lessons this morning and they sat poolside in their incredible bathers, complete with hat and goggles waiting for their turn. Then like little angels, they followed instructions even going under the water! Such a huge change from last term when Benji wouldn't even go near the water.
We followed that up with kinder duty. This is hard work, but also a great insight. It is great to mix with the kids who are their friends and to sit back and see how they interact with the group. They really did just get on with it and were a lot more individual and into it than I thought. Both were busy producing artwork and playing and interacting - it was what I needed to see.
I don't know if it is second children or twins or a combination of both - but they have had such a different infancy to Alexander and they are different as a result. It is hard not to compare the them to him, but also hard to compare them as it is really hard to remember exactly what Alexander could and couldn't do at the same age. At 3 I thought he was so big, but at the same age I think Benji and Spencer are still so little.
All in all a good day - time for the couch with a cuppa!
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