Saturday, November 29

Problem Solved!

Well, not totally solved, but moving in the right direction. There is no more surprise arrivals down the hallway, nor screaming and hitting. Sleep is coming more easily now due to.....drum roll please......Thomas the Tank Engine pillow cases.

I am not a big fan of having licenced products, but I can live with them in bed - ie PJs and bedding if it is a means to an end. The twins have just got into Thomas (toot - toot) in a big way, almost overnight. On a whim in spotlight I saw doona covers but I am not paying $60 for one, nor is it going to glow in the dark. So I bought pillow cases and even in the shop they were impressed with them. Now it seems on the pillows they do the job. They still get out of their cots and play until they are tired enough (!) but they do go to sleep a lot easier- even if it is in the same cot.

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