You should all know by now I love a bit of dress ups. It needn't be in the costume sense either - just any excuse and I am this way with my kids too (poor, poor boys!!)
Today we had a Melbourne Cup Day party. In the olden days, this would have been at the racetrack, but now its in the backyard of a girlfriends house - however the same dress code applies. With the big squirrel at work, off we went all frocked up. I had a green dress and jacket with a small top hat I made many years ago, and the boys looked very dapper.

Alexander in his tweed coat - a la nana.

Spencer -

Benji - in outfits supplied by Popeye. They even managed to stay respectable most of the day. We didn't make it to the actual Cup race - we headed home with two little boys asleep in the car - so tired that they actually transferred into their beds for a long time. Oh - and the other win of the day - the big squirrel met us there which is a great help wth the boys at a generally child free party.

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