Its been a busy ole day today. First there was preparations for the big squirrels birthday. We always make him a birthday cake, and this year Spencer was the main helper. It is a two layered cake, chocolate on the top and blueberry and white chocolate on the bottom. As you can see Spence was chief dish - licker, with an obvious preference for chocolate - not to say that he didn't do his job on the other one!
The next job of the day was

transforming a cheap pair of jeans for my brother. He was given them for christmas and with a bit of bleach, spray on dye, boiling and just a touch of scissors and sandpaper they were transformed. The only issue to be resolved is the cut! Maybe a little nip and tuck will transform them from generic to groovy... This work was mostly done while the kids were asleep, but when they woke up with boundless energy, it was the trampoline to the rescue.

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