I have spent too long wallowing, resenting what others are doing, what I'm not doing, not getting. The only thing this does is makes me unhappy. When I am unhappy I spread this around quicker than swine flu in an airplane. Then when I have made everyone unhappy, I am even grumpier because everyone around me is just awful....NO MORE.
Today's change - is to smile. Sounds simple - the idea is that this should be just as contagious, and make everyone feel better. Even today after such a short time, I noticed an attitude shift in the boys and I am not as agitated by things that would normally drive me mental. Their behaviour is better and this means that we have even ventured out, also making me happier. We are managing to negotiate situations before they erupt and the mood is much calmer. Who would have thought?
Wow - the humble smile can make that much of a difference? I'm going to have to give it a go...