not that super - the other one - for retirement. I got a call from one of my super funds today. Yes therein is the problem - one of my many funds as I have worked in a lot of places and have a few funds around costing money. So my super isn't super, actually its not even great. At one time I did purposely keep two funds as one was what my employer was paying into and the other had a really good life insurance benefit, but now I seem to have lost control. There are funds floating around, sometimes multiple policies due to my erratic work since having kids. Also since having kids, I haven't really had the time or energy to sit down and find all the stuff and sit on hold trying to roll them into one place. So today, back on the change I am going to give myself 2 weeks to do it. (It has to be a realistic goal!) Hopefully I can sort it all out!
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