Monday, September 20


OMG. It is only day one of the holidays and already going mad!! The TV which had been off for 2 weeks is on - just for a little sanity.
By lunchtime today - yes Day One, I had:
- cut all the boys hair - mainly to get Spencer's as he was fast becoming a ginger cousin IT.
- paid the bills (whoops they we a little late, hence todays urgency)
- made fudge brownies
- played basketball
- AND fed the beasts and their relentless appetites. Only 13 more days !!!!??


  1. Hang in there girl, I know a few like you (my girl). Only 13 days to go LOL. I too saw the lovely brooch, in aqua, on the talented girl at a 4 year olds party yesterday AND I WANT THE RECIPE!!!!! Maybe we could get together for a tutorial?

  2. Oh's only day 1! Hang in there, it'll pass quicker than you think. Til then try to relish not having to get 3 kids out the door by 8.30am or letting them hang out half naked if they want because you don't have a pressing engagement to get to. Those little things you wish for when there are no school hols. Otherwise I highly recommend a glass of wine with dinner every night! x
