For Alexander's fifth birthday, we are planning a space party. As he has a January birthday, he doesn't get to spend it at school - so we had to get the invites out to his kinder friends before term finishes- another pre-christmas job!

Cardboard cut outs and glitter - but then we needed a photo....a bit of crayon on the window...

And the final product. We decided to laminate them to stop the glitter going everywhere. I kept seeing little bits on my face.

What an excellent idea for an invite. Would never have thought of the circle of crayon on the window. Great job! Came across from ? someones ? oh whos? blog when I read your comment on children not settling in at 3yr old kindy and your mention of speech and lang delays. Have a 3 yo who has been having speech tx and waiting on a paed appt for query Auditory Processing or ?? then started looking back through your blog somewhat randomly until came to this. Would you mind if I borrowed the idea for my sons 4th bday (May this year). Would be his first real (non family) party. Woo hoo! Big kindy boy this year 5 days a fortnight