Friday, June 27

Airport closed indefinately

Its all fun until someone gets hurt....don't you hate it when silly sayings come true. I hate it even more when it is me that gets hurt.

A loves aeroplane rides, where I lie down on my back and he flies balanced on my feet and his hands hold my hands. We have been doing this for a while now so he is quite adventurous (and heavy) On Tuesday night we were happily playing, when it happened. He overshot the runway.

Now A is no gymnist but is of the ilk where he has no fear. He was happy flying way over my head and my hammies were stretched to their limit. I couldn't get him back so he had to go over. My biggest concern was for his neck, as he had no incliniation to tuck his head under. I had to flip him right over onto his back - when meant I had to get my weight right up onto my shoulders. It is probably a yoga pose - but obviously I dont do yoga!

We had a safe crash landing and HE wasn't hurt, however the landing gear needs major work! At his point of impact my neck clicked and it wasn't a good feeling. He was safe, but my neck was VERY sore - and the pain shot down my arm.

After a sleepless night, a very painful day with three dependants, and an osteo treatment, I can now move more than my eyes from side to side. But - there will be no more flights - as mum says "it'll end in tears!"


  1. bummer! i hope that your neck is better soon... i did this a while back giving Angus 'swings' hurt the roter-cuff in my left shoulder. It took weeks to heal, so no more 'swings' either - someone always gets hurt!!

  2. oh nic
    you poor thing
    i havent been on line for awhile, its nice to hear how you are going, i feel as though i have just spent an afternoon with you.
    love it
