Spence is such a funny little boy. He is the talker of the two. I don't think he will do single words - he is already trying sentences. If you can decipher him the regulars are 'what's going on' and 'where's Benji?'. He is happier to watch first - and then try. He will often be the second doing somethings- but not talking. His eyes sparkle and his smile lights up his whole beautiful face.
Benji is my bugger. He is full of mischief and right from the start you could tell he was thinking. He will get Spence into a lot of trouble - I can tell. He is into everything. If there is anything to climb Benji will be up it- with Spence not far behind. His beautiful big eyes melt your heart and he is so affectionate- giving the best kisses. Benji is into music and will bop away with any tune. Spence loves his books and can often be found lying on his tummy in A's room reading his books.
Some days I can't believe I have twins. To me they don't even look alike because they are such different characters but I hope they will be great mates. It is hard to balance to give each child individual attention, praise and affection. I know they know no different but I often feel guilty for not giving them what I did for A. Having said that they are such settled souls - they sleep well and are so easy to put down at night (compared to how I set myself up the first time!) and are happy to be strapped into the pram because it is too hard to let them out. I suppose the difference is that they always have each other - and early in the morning you can hear them 'talking' to each other and giggling. The belly laughs that come out of these cherubs can't help but make you smile.
I am getting all sooky now - mother guilt and love tied up together. No-one changes your life like children. Bless them.
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