Little A is a bit of a perfectionist. A lovely little boy but he knows what he likes and he knows how he likes it. The latest obsession - which has been for a while is Peter Pan. We have numerous Peter Pan books and even an audio book in the card at the moment. His Peter Pan costume has been well worn but needed boots and a dagger (spatula covered in fabric into a cotton spool.)
This obsession has now spilled into a request for dolls - Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and Captain Hook. He had seen pictures of costumes in a pattern book which he thought were dolls - and so began our quest.
As it turns out, there are no patterns for Peter Pan dolls - and on looking there aren't many patterns for dolls (in the commercial pattern books). I bought a vogue pattern 8336 which is an 18 inch doll which I will have to adapt, but will give it a go.
Here are my reference pics - I may see if I can convince him for Tink to be a barbie.

i love the fact that a is into peter pan and wants some dolls. what a timless story that has laasted through so many generations. happy sewing..