Our lives are being taken over by these little balls- Bakugan. They are large marble size and pop open on a metal card. There is a japanese cartoon which 'supports' them, but the kids love them. Alexander got a couple for his birthday, and it turns out they have been great to assist with his issues at school. There are limited play areas for his age group and he is not that into soccer so he was left wandering and up to mischief. Now there is a big Bakugan match (??) every lunchtime which has expanded his social circle and given this group of boys something positive to focus on.
From what I can understand there are energy powers associated to each ball from the card they land on - called g's and so can I fool myself that they are at least talking maths. In my mind they are kinda like dungeons and dragons - almost a made up game, but that may just be the 6 yr olds that are playing it.
Now the twins are into it too - we had meatballs for tea which no one was into, but as soon as I said they were Bakugan balls, they were all cleaned up. Sometimes you just have to go with it.
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