Here are the instructions on how to make the plastic coated bag featured here. I showed mum and she went off to work to make them, and at the shop they are all excited and churning the things out as they are really easy and quick to do.
What you need:
2 pieces of fabric 38cm x 46 cm (15x18.5")
2 pieces of clear plastic the same as above.
(I get this on a roll from spotlight I think it is called table protector and I use the lightest weight.)
2 handles approx 70cm each. -I prefer webbing or belting but I am too lazy to make my own!
A walking foot for your machine - the plastic is hard to sew around the top opening and this ensures a neat outcome.
1. Iron your fabric - this is your last chance. Once you get the plastic on, you cannot go near the ]on. I spray my fabric with starch just to make it a little more crease resistant and sturdier. You can use light weight cotton as the bags strength will come from the plastic.
2. Put the fabric face up and place the plastic over the top and pin the corners.
3. Place fabric right sides together so that the plastic is sandwiched inside. The plastic sticks together so i find it easier to pull it off and start again if i need to reposition.
4. Once the pieces are in place, pin them together and sew around three sides - the two long sides and the base of your bag. Leave the top open.
5. Zig zag around your bag to stop the fabric fraying. Zig zag around the top opening too - but make sure this stays open.
6. Put your hand inside the plastic pieces to open it a little. What you need to do is put your fingers into the corners of the bag and line up the side seam with the base seam. From the outside it should look like a point.
7. Measure along the side seam about 1-2" and sew a line across perpendicular to the side seam.

8. Turn the bag in the right way and use your fingers to gently press the seams.
9. Fold the top of the bag over about an inch for the top hem. Press hard with your fingers to get a neat fold along the top. Pin. Before this is sewn you need to position your handles.
10. While I cut these at 70cm there is only 59 cm visible from the top of the bag. I mark this having even sections inside the bag - there should be about 5 cm pinned inside the bag.
11. Mark the middle of the front and the back of the bag. Then measure 5.5cm to each side of the middle. this gives you a gap of 11cm in the middle of the bag which is the gap between the inside edge of your straps. Pin the straps so that the inside edge of the strap retains a gap of 11cm.
12. Now sew the hem around the top. It works best with the walking foot on and the outside of the bag facing you. I usually do two rows of stitching - this gives the bag opening a bit of stability and also ensures that your handles are nice and secure. All there is to do is clip off all the threads and your bag is ready to use or give as a gift.
2 Extras -
1. If you are giving as a gift, these are better if you roll them from the base with a bit of paper around the end to stop the plastic sticking and prevents creasing.
2. If you buy patchwork fabric and you pattern allows you to work against the grain (across rather than down the fabric, you can get away with 40cm purchase of 112cm wide, and have enough left over to make a little purse which would be a great addition to a bag.
Use freely and enjoy - my mum has so why should you be restricted!!!!!!!!!!!!
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