So how did this amazing revelation unfold you ask? Sitting on the couch - funny place really. I sat down in front of the tv with kids in bed to watch the red carpet of the Logies (Australian TV awards). While I know it is naff, I love to watch the clothes and the choices people make. Then it hit me - I was sitting in front of the TV knitting, when in my olden days I used to get dressed up and try to crash the after parties (now that's tragic!) I used to compete against J'Aton in Gown of the Year, and now they are working the red carpet, dressing all the little starlets - albeit in different shades of MUSHROOM (not a good TV colour - I must let them know!!)
I felt like an old nana, sitting there thinking who are these people as I obviosly dont watch as much telly as I thought (or ABC Kids just didn't have a strong presence??) Luckily lots of old people and foodies won so I was happy.
I was also really happy not to be there, happy not to be dressing people (for free because thats how it works) and happy on the couch with my knitting and little family. So maybe I am not actually that old, just content. (Obviously majorly delusional but that is not the discussion)
Not old at all. Content. Definitely content. Nice seeing you tonight x