I whipped up this squirrel coffee pot cozy for Mr P's birthday yesterday. It was so easy and looks so effective that I will have to make one for myself. I got the template for the squirrels from
the long thread and traced it onto freezer paper which I stuck onto felt.

I then stuck vlisofix (double sided sticky stuff) to the other side of my felt appliques and iron them onto the red dotty piece.

Originally I had planned to bag the dots out with felt once I had appliqued, but I changed my mind and went through both pieces to give the squirrels a bit more depth. As it was felt, and it wont fray I appliqued with a straight stitch.

I had cut the dots and the red felt the same size ******, but reduced the dots by about a centimetre around each side by hemming it.

I added some little buttons for the eyes and velcro to attach it. I added about an inch for the strap and this goes under the handle.

This was really my prototype so I was having a go and measuring against my coffee pot, but I was really happy with the outcome - and it fitted Mr P's plunger pot which is a different brand.
looks great