I had a really lovely weekend - and the fact that it was Mothers' Day was just icing on the already tasty cake. The Big Squirrel was home all weekend - which is so rare, but lovely. The weather was nice and sunny which made the Mum V Sons Auskick match much more fun.

In the afternoon I got to shop with my mum - sans kids- so I actually got to LOOK at stuff. Sunday was gorgeous - with the boys making me breakfast in bed. I sat up like Lady Muck reading the paper in bed while who knows what was going on in the kitchen. I managed to control my need to control and didn't even yell out to see if everything was alright - and in the end it was.

I was spoiled with lots of presents. I love the way that kinder and schools are structured to help with things like Mothers Day. The boys each made me lovely peg bags with beautiful artwork on them. Alexander's school had a stall where he always buys me a plant (I don't know why, I never seem to keep them alive, but maybe thats the challenge!) This year they had a half price sale after school and the little sweetheart used his own money to go and buy some more gooies! My favourites as always is the handmade cards which I will keep forever.

We finished the day with a lovely family stroll around Camberwell Market followed by hosting my parents for lunch. The niggles and teasing over how to cook only makes the day more fun. I think I found my own little bit of bliss this weekend - hope you did too.
Snap! Did you see that little red sewing toy sewing machine at Camberwell Market too? It was a mistake leaving that one behind! Glad you had a lovely one too...