A travesty of justice occured when one treasured Astro Boy t-shirt was not immediately located and was found spinning, helpless, out of control, in the washing machine. What was a shirtless Spencer to do!!!
He managed a regular plain tshirt, but for how long. How long would it take to wear his poor mother down with whinging and complaining and irregular tantruming. Obviously not long, and thanks to the power of google image, an appropriate picture was soon locateed, flipped using powerpoint and printed onto tshirt transfer paper. The green shirt removed from his body and still warm was placed quickly onto the iron board and picture ironed on and returned quicker than evil goosepimples could appear. Then supermum had to rinse and repeat - no just replicate for other child who was feeling left out. Then the two little superheros could go back to their lair - yes bottom drawers of a filing unit I am looking to move out....
you are so amazingly clever. well done for saving the day !!simple yet clever and very effective