I don't know why, but I feel a bit stale. It is hard to describe. I think I just need a bit of a change - in everything. I have got to a point where lots of things and people are making me angry. (No not you, other people) and I think I need a new attitude.
I have been thinking a bit about my clothes. I know it seems superficial but how you look can affect how you feel. My diet has been working and now I fit into my old clothes only now I realise I don't actually like most of them!
Prekids - seven years ago - I was all corporate, wearing an array of suits everyday. I think that was easier than stay at home casual. I used to make my suits so I had lots of choice and just put on pants or skirt and the matching jacket and off I went. Now I need to be practical and comfortable. I can't be in a short skirt and heels with a boy chucking a tanty in the supermarket and have all my bits out! There is a big bag with all my old suits which I packed away when I was pregnant and they have not been opened since.
I have been reading blogs and there are quite a few that focus on either sewing clothes or what they are wearing each day- particularly Sooz and Frocks and Frou Frou. (there are some others - a canadian girl who will wear nothing but things she's made for a year but I can't seem to find the site now) I make a lot of my own clothes, but I must say I do find the casual stuff a bit annoying to sew. It is often cheaper to buy fadish things than to get the fabric-. Having said that I bought this cheap little dress which I love, I wore it to school and one of the other mums said "I have the same dress". Obviously I can't wear it to school again!! I would like to and should make more then they will certainly be original! At present my wardrobe is very full, but very uninteresting and uninspiring.
So some of the things I have been thinking about doing - hopefully by writing them here they will become an action rather than thoughts are:
- trying to wear more home made clothes
- try to make more clothes, and be a bit interesting
- to get creative juices flowing, try to make one thing per day
- if I buy fabric, try to make it up before fabric needs to be put away
- dress for my age, size and shape- always easier when you make thing!
The other thing I will try to do is document what I am doing. Once I sort out this camera problem - ie find it, that should be a little easier.
These things only address my issue of new and interesting wardrobe. The other thought that has been dancing through my mind is hosting a clothes swapping party. I am not looking to make any money - infact may be an opportunity to raise for a charity, but I was thinking of opening my home to friends to come and take whatever clothes they wanted. Hang things up on racks and have a bit of a party and free for all. The could bring along their unwanted but good things and everybody swap. The leftovers would be donated to charity. What do you think about that. Obviously needs some work, but would anyone be interested in a clothes swap concept?
(by the way, today I have on a red dress and black leggings all made by me!)
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