Thursday, July 10

Ability to Change

It was all set to be one of those days today. I woke up in a bad mood and it was just getting worse. Infact I think the first thing I said to the big squirrel was "if that alarm goes off one more morning at 6 when you are not getting up, I am going to stab you with a blunt knife". Sometimes he just doesn't get the point and I need to be quite graphic. He got the point this morning and knew to stay clear.

So, I was going to spiral further into the dulldrums, when our lunchdate was confirmed. Life is always better by the time everyone is in the car. (that half hour of chasing everyone, shoes, jackets, snacks, nappies etc is to be avoided at all cost!!!) Once we were there it was lovely. It is nice to know someone else is going through the same crap as you - it makes all the difference! And all the boys played well - even a civilised game of UNO (we must get this game). So thanks Nay it made all the difference.

Once home with the twins packed off to bed, Xander and I actually headed outside. We went out to finish a this present but got sidetracked once I got into the garage. We are called 'squirrels' because both of us tend to collect things - not trinkets or a proper 'collection' but useful stuff. Things to make into - bit of wood, fabric, things that are too good to throw out, things to sell.... So the garage is full of all our little nuts!!! So much so we have never had a car in there and today hardly could even get a person in!! So this was my job- moving lumps of wood, lawnmowers, wheelie bins full of water, candleabras from our wedding which were a bargain now just hanging around... but I had such fun. The physical activity just made me feel so much better and now that things are grouped together (the virgo in me takes over sometimes) and there is a bit of space to swing a cat I feel really good. We even managed to do a load of washing, wash the dishes and do vacuuming.

So now there are two new things on my to do list - firstly prioritise seeing people - it can totally change your day, and secondly some physical activity. We will see how we go with the second one. Off to work tomorrow - yeah!

1 comment:

  1. hey amazing squirrel, i too had a great afternoon and i always feel so much more grounded and inspired afer i have seen you. you make so many new friends through kinder, mothers group etc, but its the life long friends that you can just hang with, without saying too much that make it all worth while. so thank you.
    look forward to next week.
