As you have seen we have introduced Barbie into the boy-zone. They are getting played with, but I want a little more imaginative play. Well, maybe a little less 'imaginative' play, and a bit of home corner style play. (as opposed to naked barbie being thrown of benches and rescued by duplo men, but its all good). I thought the best way is to address the naked barbie was by making some clothes together. I was surprised by the lack of patterns around for barbies. I suppose the clothes are just as cheap to buy these days. I found a Burda 8576 which also has Ken clothes. We made some PJ's so it was a good start. I found in a couple of books around the place these knitted patterns, but not really my forte. Finally going through mum's old burda magazines, I found these beauties - circa 1975.
Very tame - I know but I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't take something dirty to someone elses house (although some things are tempting not to do at our house!) but I traced out patterns from this Burda - which to anyone who hasn't seen it, the master sheets look like a road map of America via satellite. It was good to keep me busy but still able to chat. Next time I will take the dresses to sew. All this and home intime to see the late edition of Project Runway - when will they dump Helen????
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