Wednesday, July 23

Makes my heart giggle..

All the boys love books - especially Alexander. We always have a story at night. He really enjoys a chapter book and I have really enjoyed reliving my childhood reading Enid Blyton's Wishing Chair series and the Magic Faraway tree. When we finished the final Faraway tree book we needed a new book and we have moved onto Ronld Dahl.
We have to be a bit careful because some of his books are a bit old for a 4 and a half year old. Also, like Disney movies, the first chapter is usually the parents dying in some freak accident and the child going to live with someone awful. Anyway, he love Fantastic Mr Fox, and we really enjoyed the audio book of Danny the Champion of the World. On a recent outing we found The Twits and the gross humour of this book is right up Alexander's alley.
Tonight we couldn't find our book, but Alexander wanted to play with some alphabet cards. We were chatting well but he was looking interest. We then started to do some spelling with the cards and started with Mum. Chatting about the sounds letters make when they are joined up - and then it hit me. Some unsavory words would get him interested in this spelling caper. First was bum and then fart.
He was engaged and interested in the sounds the letters made and how they joined up to make the words. The pureness of the giggles he gave me- the kind that don't seem like they will ever end was worth the trip down the ruder path. He said "it makes my heart giggle"

1 comment:

  1. hee hee... this makes my heart giggle too, I'll have to remember this pearl for when Angus starts on the path to literacy (bum, fart, burp, hee hee hee)
