I was feeling guilty about not doing enough with the twins. At the moment it seems that Alexander and I do fun things while the boys are asleep. Today I decided to change that.
A couple of days ago I bought three paints and three canvases and my (great) idea was each boy could paint a canvas in the limited colour palatte and it I could hang it on the wall. I would stencil each boys initial on their canvas - brilliant I thought.
So, I got the paints ready, canvases, a variety of brushes and rollers, plates for the paint, even a bucket of warm water and a towel for the clean up. I thought for sure there would be handprints. I got the kids all dressed in old comfy clothes - as there was sure to be a bit of mess. To get them in the spirit of painting, I even had butchers paper for the warmup painting.
I know I know - what was I thinking? A four year old, and two 19 month olds and paint? Well there were no handprints, a fair bit of paint got eaten, Alexander did a good painting, the deck got a good covering of every colour. I didn't bother getting the canvases out- they weren't interested. The most fun of the morning (for them) was cleaning up. They love mops and water - and as soon as I wasn't watching, Benji even jumped in!! The morning was finished by a good play in the real bath.

So while I had set off with grand plans, we had a good play and a good day. I was all about the end result, but they enjoyed the process and the activities. I don't feel so guilty anymore but maybe next time we'll do play dough!
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