Not only do blogs suck my spare time away, but so do other things - like etsy etc. I thought I would share some of the things I am loving today...

This was an idea on TipJunkie - the link is on the photo- but I cant find the post. Beware there are so many good ideas here you may be lost forever...

Here is another 'mud room' for my entry makeover. This is probably more along the lines I was thinking - great organising tips here.

You have to look closely but there is lunch made to look like one of the monters from Where the Wild Things are - great idea...

From a great little online mag called Small which I know from your ads some of you already know about this little gem. Gotta love the chubba legs on this little pinocchio

Great kids clothes here...

Who doesn't love a monkey?
Thanks Nicola. Mentioned the spray at work and we have it there so can get it. Love reading your blog and seeing what you are up to, wish I lived closer I loooove crafting buddies. I have just finished Rob's quilt (which was a double wedding ring but we have renamed the circle of life quilt, ha, ha). Just sat and looked at it when I had done, it has been 6 years in the making (not continuously though). See you soon.